via We Heart It |
July 31, 2011
212: Hoo boy.
July 30, 2011
211: Favorites XXIV
This week, I present some of my favorites of a dying breed: TV title sequences. In addition to those listed below, I give honorable mentions to The Big Bang Theory, the CSI franchise (mostly for using "Who Are You?" and "Won't Get Fooled Again" to great effect, though "Baba O'Riley" isn't as good a fit), and Doctor Who (because I get giddy just listening to the theme song). Any suggestions for other good opening titles?
Downton Abbey
First, the bit of score over the credits is just gorgeous. Secondly, it's the prettiest montage I've ever seen that starts with a closeup of a dog's butt. Incidentally, I also like that the cast is presented in alphabetical order, with no preference whatsoever given to bigger stars, bigger roles, or even the dame in their midst.
True Blood
Warning: there's some suggestive images, roadkill, a time-lapse shot of a fox being consumed by maggots and some close-up shots of weird-looking bugs. But it's totally worth it for the "God hates fangs" sign and the general modern Southern gothic ambience.
Edward Gorey animations and the theme song that I miss desperately, now that it's Masterpiece Mystery. I actually learned the Mystery! theme on the piano when I was a kid -- I loved Poirot that much.
Downton Abbey
First, the bit of score over the credits is just gorgeous. Secondly, it's the prettiest montage I've ever seen that starts with a closeup of a dog's butt. Incidentally, I also like that the cast is presented in alphabetical order, with no preference whatsoever given to bigger stars, bigger roles, or even the dame in their midst.
True Blood
Warning: there's some suggestive images, roadkill, a time-lapse shot of a fox being consumed by maggots and some close-up shots of weird-looking bugs. But it's totally worth it for the "God hates fangs" sign and the general modern Southern gothic ambience.
Edward Gorey animations and the theme song that I miss desperately, now that it's Masterpiece Mystery. I actually learned the Mystery! theme on the piano when I was a kid -- I loved Poirot that much.
Law & Order: UK
A nice update on the traditional freeze-frame style of the US franchise, with another piece of music that I love. It's not the funky jazz themes of the American series, but it does go nicely with a show that has Crown Prosecutors instead of Assistant District Attorneys.
Mad Men
Great mix of animation, music, and vintage advertising for one of TV's best shows. (YouTube won't let me embed, so click the picture to go watch it on the site.)
Mad Men,
things I like,
weekly roundup
July 29, 2011
210: Phonetic
Have I mentioned before how much I like old Victor Borge routines? Because this never gets old:
July 28, 2011
209: I'll take One Year Ago Today for $600, Alex.
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Sony Pictures Studios, Culver City, CA, 2010. |
(It's been an interesting 52 weeks.)
July 27, 2011
208: Bow ties and Cybermen
Posted without comment, because I am so full of squee that there are no words.
July 26, 2011
July 25, 2011
206: Les nuits Parisiennes
I came across the 1920s-30s work of Brassai (or Brassaï), a Hungarian-born photographer who worked in Paris. The photos were so Midnight in Paris-y that they practically gave me the vapors. Between the deserted, misty Parisian streets and the backlit alleyway rendezvous, this set looks like storyboards for a Jazz Age film noir, the very thought of which makes me swoon. See more here.
July 24, 2011
205: Secret identity
As a follow-up to yesterday's SDCC delights, have a cool graphic that's been making the rounds on Tumblr.
via HeroChan |
July 23, 2011
204: Favorites XXIII, SDCC Edition
I'm not at San Diego Comic-Con, but I'm enjoying it vicariously through Twitter and various news sources. Some fun things from SDCC 2011:
Muppet Mythbusters
From Mythbuster Tory Belleci's Twitter came this gem:
The Marbled Rye
In which Lost's Man in Black finally gets a name:
Spectacularly bad hair
I understand that it's for a movie (evidently, the character runs out of a barbershop in the middle of a haircut), but that's not going to stop me from chuckling every time I see it.
Cosplay with Annarchy
My favorite tertiary character from Penny Arcade made her triumphant return for the Comic-Con-themed run this week. PA is rarely sweet in tone, but I think this one is just utterly charming and perfect for a Friday strip.
Muppet Mythbusters
From Mythbuster Tory Belleci's Twitter came this gem:
The Marbled Rye
In which Lost's Man in Black finally gets a name:
Spectacularly bad hair
via GFY |
Cosplay with Annarchy
My favorite tertiary character from Penny Arcade made her triumphant return for the Comic-Con-themed run this week. PA is rarely sweet in tone, but I think this one is just utterly charming and perfect for a Friday strip.
(click to view larger at |
July 22, 2011
203: Allons-y, Alonzo!
I shredded some old papers today, and came across the receipt for my copy of Pierrot le Fou, my favorite film from the French and Italian New-Wave film class I took in college. Also, I had forgotten that "Allons-y, Alonso" is repeated several times in the movie. Directed by Jean-Luc Godard and starring Jean Paul Belmondo and Anna Karina, it's a wacky crime caper with musical interludes and some existential contemplation. It's also very, very French. I feel a little pretentious when I watch it, but it does make me happy.
all photos via We Heart It |
July 21, 2011
202: Tranquil
The humidity finally moved out, so it's nice enough to go out and enjoy the evening, like the fishermen on this pond in Maple Grove.
July 20, 2011
201: Mane event
In the same vein as yesterday's True Blood gif party, this is another instance of a drama that knows how to be funny. In what is quite possibly my favorite Cary Agos moment of The Good Wife's second season, Japanese (I assume) ingenuity makes an ordinary discussion of office politics unexpectedly hilarious. Between this and almost every scene with Alan Cumming as Eli Gold, I can overlook even the most tiresome of soap-opera storylines.
July 19, 2011
200: A bloody business
I've heard rumblings that people aren't enjoying this season of True Blood. I don't understand. What more do you want from this show when you get Alexander Skarsgard doing what amounts to his own private amnesiac-vampire sitcom?
I love nothing better than a drama that knows how to be funny.
via We Heart It |
via True Blood Gifs |
via LJ |
July 18, 2011
199: Paging Peggy
It's amazing what you find in closets that haven't been opened for decades. Like this dress/suit my grandmother bought at some point when Dayton's department stores still existed:
Short sleeves, bow at the waist; that's a Peggy Olson outfit if ever there was one.
(Also, if you need a Peggy Olson costume for any reason, the dress is for sale on Etsy.)
Short sleeves, bow at the waist; that's a Peggy Olson outfit if ever there was one.
(Also, if you need a Peggy Olson costume for any reason, the dress is for sale on Etsy.)
household archaeology,
Mad Men,
shameless self-promotion
July 17, 2011
198: How hot is it?
It's like a bad joke: "It's so hot..."
"...that the windows are sweating!"
91 degrees + dew point of 80 = heat index of 104. That photo is the window on the interior door, since the storm door apparently does nothing to keep out the elements. All the car windows fogged up as soon as we backed the car out. Therefore, I didn't go to the Bastille Day festivities at Brit's Pub...because I didn't think adding beer to the equation would be a good idea. Oh, well. Maybe next year.
Stay cool out there, Twin Cities.
July 16, 2011
197: Bokeh
Sometimes I just like looking at pretty light patterns. So sue me.
via * Yumi * on Flickr |
July 15, 2011
196: Harry
via We Heart It |
When I got to college, my very first class on my very first day was a freshman seminar called "Harry Potter and the French Connection." The professor was essentially a real-life Dumbledore for the eighteen of us in that class; he led us through early modern alchemical texts and gave us an assignment that essentially amounted to writing Potter fanfiction. We all went to the Goblet of Fire midnight movie screening together, with matching homemade T-shirts that were only funny to us. Also, I met two of my best friends in that class.
So, I could say more, but I think I'll let the found graphic speak for itself:
via We Heart It |
July 14, 2011
195: Fête nationale
Joyeuse fête nationale, tout le monde. (That's Bastille Day to those of us in the anglophone world.) Have some photos of tourist attractions to celebrate!
foreign affairs,
merry happy,
things I made
July 13, 2011
194: Earworm
Oh, Anderson Cooper. I can't wait for his daytime show in the fall. He was always an absolute delight when he sat in for Regis Philbin with Kelly Ripa, and if we get more backstage video gems like this, it looks like Anderson will be similarly delightful.
July 12, 2011
July 11, 2011
192: One of the greatest 4AM archers
How have I never listened to Wits before now? It fills a portion of the QI-shaped hole in my heart. Also, Neil Gaiman FTW.
July 10, 2011
July 9, 2011
July 8, 2011
189: Cheese
Why can't we still have those old-timey photobooths around?

If we had them in all subway stations in this country, then Amelie could, possibly, happen in real life. Maybe?
all photos via We Heart It |
July 7, 2011
188: Shameless self-promotion
Having gone from temporarily employed to unemployed to self-employed (part-time) within the last two weeks, even my deep-seated Midwestern modesty can't make me feel bad about promoting my newly-back-up-and-running Etsy shop. If you like vintage and/or handknit goods, you might like this:
I'm trying to list, on average, an item a day. All vintage items are available for four months, then get cycled out and donated to various charities in the Twin Cities, so at least someone will profit from the overabundance of stuff we have around.
July 6, 2011
July 5, 2011
186: Law
Life has a slideshow of the faces behind famous court cases, which is interesting, and not about Casey Anthony, which is a nice change for today:
July 4, 2011
July 3, 2011
July 2, 2011
183: Favorites XXII, Southern Lit Edition
Favorites from Southern literature (of the things I have read in my lifetime):
To Kill a Mockingbird
Some writers are incredibly prolific and can put out a novel every couple years. Some are like Harper Lee. But if you're only going to publish one novel in your lifetime, you want it to be To Kill a Mockingbird. I read somewhere that it was voted the best book of the 20th century, and between that, the Pulitzer Prize, and the author's Medal of Freedom, I wouldn't argue. The book paints a vivid portrait of race, racism, and class in the Depression-era American South that was controversial when it was published in 1960 and is an important history lesson for modern kids. (There is, of course, the issue of how the book is received by African-American readers vs. white readers -- but the fact that a book from 1960 can still be debated in 2011 is fantastic, plain and simple.) Scout and Atticus Finch are two of my favorite characters in all of literature, and the book's film adaptation gave us Gregory Peck as Atticus, and for that we should all be eternally grateful.
The Secret Life of Bees
Not as iconic as To Kill a Mockingbird, with a mediocre film adaptation, but still well worth the read. Sue Monk Kidd's narrator is no Scout Finch, but Lily Owens' deeply conflicted narration is teen angst through and through. Part coming-of-age story, part civil rights chronicle, part beekeeping manual, the book is a female-character-driven look at acceptance and the relationships between families (both those related by blood and those bonded by shared experience). There are some truly great images in this book, like the Boatwright sisters' bright pink house and Our Lady of the Chains, the ship's figurehead that sits inside that house. Incidentally, I read this book as part of the girls-only book club at my high school run by the head librarian and my favorite English teacher -- admittedly, I came for the free pizza and lemonade, but getting this book for free was icing on the cake.
The Help
I just finished Kathryn Stockett's debut novel this morning, and it already makes a "favorites" list. The book shifts between three narrators (a pair of black maids and a young white woman) and presents a picture of life in 1960s Jackson, Mississippi from both sides of the dividing line between the races. There are a few truly shocking moments, and plenty of good, quotable lines throughout the book. It's funny, sad, hopeful, frustrating, and suspenseful in turns, and was one of those books that I had trouble putting down when it was time to do other things. Every time I closed it, I still wanted to know what was going to happen to Aibileen, Minny, Skeeter, and everyone else. Was Skeeter really going to marry Stuart? What did Minny do to Miss Hilly? When was little Mae Mobley inevitably going to repeat something to the wrong person and get Aibileen fired? The degree to which Stockett managed to get me invested in her characters' lives was almost ridiculous. Kudos, madam. It was really the perfect summer-read-with-substance.
"A Rose for Emily"
Okay, yes, necrophilia is usually a part of discussions about this William Faulkner short story. But the story is Southern Gothic at its very finest, and exactly as creepy as you'd want it to be. I remember even being freaked out by the first-person plural narration, as though the story is being told by the town's collective consciousness, like they're the Borg or something. Faulkner uses that unusual narration to take us through his three-part story about Miss Emily Grierson and the remnants of the Old South in a changing Mississippi town with bits and pieces of Emily's odd behavior and the town's pity for and fascination with her in life and death. It's macabre and dark and dusty throughout, and it still gives me chills every time. You can read (or re-read) the story in its entirety here or in various places around the web.
Some writers are incredibly prolific and can put out a novel every couple years. Some are like Harper Lee. But if you're only going to publish one novel in your lifetime, you want it to be To Kill a Mockingbird. I read somewhere that it was voted the best book of the 20th century, and between that, the Pulitzer Prize, and the author's Medal of Freedom, I wouldn't argue. The book paints a vivid portrait of race, racism, and class in the Depression-era American South that was controversial when it was published in 1960 and is an important history lesson for modern kids. (There is, of course, the issue of how the book is received by African-American readers vs. white readers -- but the fact that a book from 1960 can still be debated in 2011 is fantastic, plain and simple.) Scout and Atticus Finch are two of my favorite characters in all of literature, and the book's film adaptation gave us Gregory Peck as Atticus, and for that we should all be eternally grateful.
The Secret Life of Bees
Not as iconic as To Kill a Mockingbird, with a mediocre film adaptation, but still well worth the read. Sue Monk Kidd's narrator is no Scout Finch, but Lily Owens' deeply conflicted narration is teen angst through and through. Part coming-of-age story, part civil rights chronicle, part beekeeping manual, the book is a female-character-driven look at acceptance and the relationships between families (both those related by blood and those bonded by shared experience). There are some truly great images in this book, like the Boatwright sisters' bright pink house and Our Lady of the Chains, the ship's figurehead that sits inside that house. Incidentally, I read this book as part of the girls-only book club at my high school run by the head librarian and my favorite English teacher -- admittedly, I came for the free pizza and lemonade, but getting this book for free was icing on the cake.
The Help
I just finished Kathryn Stockett's debut novel this morning, and it already makes a "favorites" list. The book shifts between three narrators (a pair of black maids and a young white woman) and presents a picture of life in 1960s Jackson, Mississippi from both sides of the dividing line between the races. There are a few truly shocking moments, and plenty of good, quotable lines throughout the book. It's funny, sad, hopeful, frustrating, and suspenseful in turns, and was one of those books that I had trouble putting down when it was time to do other things. Every time I closed it, I still wanted to know what was going to happen to Aibileen, Minny, Skeeter, and everyone else. Was Skeeter really going to marry Stuart? What did Minny do to Miss Hilly? When was little Mae Mobley inevitably going to repeat something to the wrong person and get Aibileen fired? The degree to which Stockett managed to get me invested in her characters' lives was almost ridiculous. Kudos, madam. It was really the perfect summer-read-with-substance.
"A Rose for Emily"
Okay, yes, necrophilia is usually a part of discussions about this William Faulkner short story. But the story is Southern Gothic at its very finest, and exactly as creepy as you'd want it to be. I remember even being freaked out by the first-person plural narration, as though the story is being told by the town's collective consciousness, like they're the Borg or something. Faulkner uses that unusual narration to take us through his three-part story about Miss Emily Grierson and the remnants of the Old South in a changing Mississippi town with bits and pieces of Emily's odd behavior and the town's pity for and fascination with her in life and death. It's macabre and dark and dusty throughout, and it still gives me chills every time. You can read (or re-read) the story in its entirety here or in various places around the web.
July 1, 2011
182: Halfway home
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Champs de Mars, Paris, France, 2007. |
Also, happy Canada Day.
adventures in blogging,
merry happy,
things I made
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