June 25, 2011

176: Who wants to fight?!

Finally saw Midnight in Paris with my friend E tonight.  Utterly charming, witty, and a lovely tour of the streets of Paris.  Also, guess who played Ernest Hemingway?

Yes, hello, Corey Stoll, AKA Det. Jaruszalski from Law & Order: LA.  As though I needed another reason to be deeply fond of him.  He was fantastic as Hemingway (and really ought to get a side gig reading audiobooks), and I also enjoyed Alison Pill and Tom Hiddleston as Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald, but Adrien Brody as Salvador Dali (crazy eyes and all) really stole the show.  When it hits the second-run theater, I might see it again with my mother.

Definite recommend.


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