After a 136-year run,
Nevada will have no state fair this year. That would never --
never -- happen in Minnesota, and as a faithful fairgoer, it makes me sad to see the end of such a longstanding tradition. Of course, I'm aware that most state fairs aren't as popular or well-attended as the Minnesota State Fair, which takes place right in the middle of the metropolitan area. The Fair is so popular that Minnesota expats try to recreate the experience elsewhere with bar food and the company of other Midwestern transplants; I happened to be in New York for
Minnesota State Fair Day last year, which was both odd and fun. Then I came home and went to the real thing, for what was probably the twentieth year in a row.
They call it the Great Minnesota Get-Together, and it's hard to argue with that when you look at the numbers: the 2010 Minnesota State Fair saw over 1,776,000 people walk through the gates. And it felt like it when we were shuffling down Judson Ave. with the rest of the state.
(Those cream puffs were delicious.) |
Man, I can't wait for August.
All photos by M. Tam
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