Here's a photo. |
All things considered, though, I'm putting this year's resolution in the "win" column. Why? Because, including today, I posted on 359 out of 365 days. I missed less than a week in total, which is incredibly impressive for me, knowing my habit of leaving projects unfinished.
I won't try to write some deeply introspective summary of this year and what it's meant for my family and me. I'll think about it, certainly, but -- especially after this particular year -- that's not the kind of thing I want to share with all and sundry who might stumble across this corner of internet. Suffice to say that 2011 has been a year of experience, and may 2012 bring some brighter days for everyone.
My daily-blogging experiment is at an end, and I think I'll be emigrating from the Impermanent State, for a while, at least. So with that, I'll end this year the way I began: with someone else's photo and a wish for a very Happy New Year.
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